Kundernes mening.

Terrængående kørestol - Slut med begrænsninger


Tilskyndelse & batteri.



Ramme og sæde.



We love renewable energy and your cadWeazle will too. We designed a 110 Watts strong solar panel that serves your cadWeazle as energy roof: You are protected from sun and rain while the solar panel keeps recharging your batteries for free without any emissions. This allows you to be outdoors on tour with cadWeazle even longer.


Furthermore it significantly decreases cadWeazle’s recharging duration over night so you will need less power from the outlet thus save money and avoid polluting emissions.


Although the amount of energy produced by the solar roof does not match the power used by the engines, the difference between solar roof and no solar roof is extremely noticeable. Ideally the skies are clear and you take some breaks on longer tours. This will dramatically increase the solar panel’s efficiency and will ultimately save you tons of energy in the long run. A great difference between cadWeazle Energy and cadWeazle Solar.

We are constantly working with our partners to make sure that we use the most efficient components for our solar panel roof.


Especially in the last decade solar panels have come a long way. We will keep updating our solar roof in the future to offer you the best efficiency for your outdoor trip. So you can ride longer, and enjoy even more!